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FFXIV Eureka Orthos Guide (Patch 7.1) – Best Strategies, Dangerous Mobs & Boss Tips


Eureka Orthos Guide

** Updated 2/17/24 **


    Eureka Orthos is a Deep Dungeon in FFXIV, similar to Palace of the Dead and Heaven-on-High. It features randomly generated floors, unique mechanics, and a progression system that resets each run. This guide will help casual players efficiently navigate Eureka Orthos, covering strategies, dangerous enemies, and useful Pomander usage.

    What's great about Deep Dungeons is there is a 1 hour time limit, which fits perfect in our 1 hour playtime theme.  Earlier floors can be done well within this, 20-30 minutes for some.  But it's a guarantee to be able to get through one in a night, sometimes 2 sets of floors, so it's easy to make progress through out a week. 

** Work in Progress -- expanded information soon**

Basics of Eureka Orthos

Protomanders & Demiclones

Managing Protomanders effectively can determine the success of your run. Below is a breakdown of each type and its best use case:


Protomander  Effect Best Used When...
Safety     Removes all traps from the floor. Navigating treasure rooms or large mob pulls.
Sight    Reveals all traps and the map. Locating exits or planning landmine strategies.
Strength    Increases damage/healing by 30% for 8 minutes. Boosting DPS, especially before boss fights.
Steel    Decreases damage taken by 40%. Handling multi-pulls or dangerous floors.
Fortune    Increases mob chest drop rates. Farming treasure or item restocking.
Raising    Auto-revives the first KO’d player. Preparing for dangerous floors (71+).
Witching     Transforms nearby mobs into harmless forms. Escaping accidental pulls or setting up AOE kills.
Dread    Transforms you into a Dreadnaught, granting              one-shot attacks. Clearing difficult rooms quickly.


Demiclone Effect Best Used When...
Doga Summons a Black Mage that applies AOE petrification and Thunder DOTs. Stalling enemies while dealing steady damage.
Unei Summons a White Mage that heals and applies Stoneskin. Increasing survivability in later floors.
Onion Knight Deals high DPS and self-heals when your HP is low. Maximizing damage on bosses.

  • Unlocked at: Level 81+ (Requires completion of MSQ Endwalker)
  • Entry NPC: Koh Rabntah in Mor Dhona
  • Floors: 100 floors divided into sets of 10
  • Party Size: Solo or up to 4 players
  • Save Slots: Two save files per character
  • Weapon & Armor Progression: Eureka Orthos-exclusive gear upgrades using Orthos Aetherpool Arm & Armor

Floor Breakdown

Floors 1-10

  • Introduction to mechanics, minimal threats.
  • Sprint trick: Use Sprint before entering to keep the buff.
  • Mimics do not appear yet.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Grenade 2/5 Sight Big Burst Small AoE explosion, late telegraph, lethal damage.
Behemoth 2/5 Sight Ecliptic Meteor Roomwide AoE at <40% HP, must be LoSed.
Water Sprite 1/5 Proximity No cast bar Uses basic water magic.
Bhoot 1/5 Sound Disease Applies debuff, can be interrupted or Esuna'd.

Boss: Gancanagh (Floor 10)

  • Recommended Steel Pomander for DPS solo.
  • Marks tiles to explode in a circular pattern.
  • Uses a proximity AoE, followed by line explosions—stand near intersections for best positioning.

Floors 11-20

  • Slightly tougher mobs, more aggressive AI.
  • One-minute respawn timer for mobs.
  • Telegraph attacks deal significantly more damage.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Orthos Sawtooth 2/5 Sight Mean Thrash Standing behind baits a small tailswipe AoE.

Boss: Cloning Node (Floor 20)

  • Summons side mobs that attack with conal AoEs.
  • Stand next to dragons to dodge conal attacks.
  • Look to the opposite side of the arena—if no dragon is there, it's a safe spot.

Floors 21-30

  • More mechanics-heavy enemies.
  • More telegraphed AoEs, some very late indicators.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Lesser Orthos Dragon (Patrol) 2/5 Sight Swinge Late telegraphed large conal AoE.
Orthoknight 2/5 Sight Electromagnetism Large suction AoE, followed by a PBAoE. Knockback immunity prevents pull.
Vanara (Patrol) 2/5 Sight Scythe Tail Small PBAoE that stuns, leads into a lethal combo.
Orthodemolisher 2/5 Proximity Self-Destruct Enrages under 30% HP, causing a large explosion. LoSable.

Boss: Tiamat’s Clone (Floor 30)

  • Summons slow-moving heads after each attack, dealing damage and applying vulnerability stacks.
  • Whei Morn: Chasing circular AoE.
  • Dark Wyrmtail: Avoid the middle.
  • Dark Wyrmwing: Avoid the sides.

Floors 31-40

  • Expect enemies with lethal telegraphed attacks.
  • Silver-tinged sacks now drop from Accursed Hoards.
  • Mimics now spawn only from silver chests.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Mirrorknight (Patrol) 2/5 Sight Roomwide stun gaze Follow-up lethal AoE
Orthobug 1/5 Proximity HP drain Basic threat
Orthospider 2/5 Sound Particle Collision Applies Minimum debuff, follow-up auto can one-shot
Orthochimera 4/5 Proximity Ram's/Dragon's Voice Untelegraphed AoEs, cannot be interrupted
Orthotaur 3/5 Sight 100-Tonze Swing Late medium PBAoE
Orthoray (Patrol) 4/5 Sight Forearming Huge half-circle AoE
Orthoempuse 2/5 Sound Pushback auto-attack Can push into traps or other mobs

Boss: Twintania Clone (Floor 40)

  • Uses Twister—move when cast finishes.
  • Twisting Dive spawns twisters, avoid standing in them.
  • Meracydian Cyclone creates multiple tornados, move strategically to avoid knockback.

Floors 41-50

  • Patrols are dangerous and require careful positioning.
  • Increased AoE attacks and enemy buffs.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Bergthurs 3/5 Proximity Elbow Drop Small back conal, untelegraphed, very fast. Can be baited.
Hedetet 1/5 Sight Stacking Slow Do not AoE pull in solo due to slow stacking.
Spriggan 3/5 Sight Haste Gains Haste and double autos after 20s. High burst damage.
Acheron (Patrol) 5/5 Sight Quake Roomwide untelegraphed AoE, must be interrupted or LoSed.
Kelpie (Patrol) 3/5 Sight Gallop Dashes to player, followed by Bloody Puddle, a lethal untelegraphed AoE. LoSable.
Goobbue 3/5 Sight Pull-in attack Pulls in a player and uses a fast frontal untelegraphed conal AoE that one-shots. Run behind it quickly.
Gelato 4/5 Sight Explosion Channels a roomwide AoE at low HP. Can be LoSed.
Hoarhound (Patrol) 5/5 Sight Abyssal Cry Roomwide untelegraphed AoE that stuns. Must LoS.

Boss: Servomechanical Chimera 14X (Floor 50)

  • Uses alternating Thunder/Ice combos.
  • Song of Thunder and Ice: Move in (doughnut AoE) then out ASAP.
  • Song of Ice and Thunder: Move out, then in.
  • Tether Mechanic: Move far enough to turn it purple or take lethal damage.
  • Thunderous Cold: Dash to you, then stay in, then get out.
  • Cold Thunder: Dash to you, then move out, then in.

Floors 51-60

  • Some floors have high rates of Knockback Disabled debuff.
  • Patrol mobs and AoEs become more aggressive.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Sprite 3/5 Sight Hypothermic Combustion Small untelegraphed AoE. Explodes after death.
Ymir 3/5 Sight Gelid Charge Applies Ice Spikes. Any physical attack during this time one-shots the attacker.
Rockfin (Patrol) 3/5 Sight Aqua Spear Untelegraphed line charge. Must LoS or die.
Yabby (Patrol) 2/5 Sight Heavy + Tail Screw Applies Heavy, followed by a telegraphed AoE that drops you to 1 HP.
Zaratan 3/5 Sound Sewer Water Alternating half-circle AoEs. React quickly to avoid.
Stingray 3/5 Sight Knockback AoE Jumps on a player, knocking them back, then follows up with a doughnut or point-blank AoE.

Boss: Servomechanical Minotaur 16 (Floor 60)

  • Octuple Swipe: Pattern follows UP DOWN RIGHT LEFT, then either repeats or reverses.
  • Electric Orbs: Appear during Octuple Swipe—avoid them.
  • Disorienting Groan: Stand inside the boss’s hitbox or get knocked into the arena edge, causing a potent DoT.
  • Bullish Swipe: Late telegraphed frontal conal.
  • Bullish Swing: Late telegraphed point-blank AoE—get out!

Floors 61-70

  • Mimics now spawn from gold chests instead of silver.
  • Enemies begin hitting harder with auto-attacks.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Diplocaulus 1/5 Proximity Evasion Buff Grants nearby mobs 70% evasion for 3 minutes. Avoid multipulling.
Drake 3/5 Sight Smouldering Scales Physical attacks reflect damage, causing one-shots. Wait for buff to expire.
Cobra 2/5 Sight Whip Back Untelegraphed back attack that applies a high vulnerability debuff.
Palleon (Frog) 2/5 Sight Pull-in AoE Pulls you in and follows up with a small fast AoE. If interrupted, it re-casts instantly.
Perfected 1/5 Sight Knockback Auto Uses double autos that include knockbacks.
Ninja 2/5 Proximity Assassinate Instantly kills players below 20% HP. Be careful when triggering traps.
Gowrow 3/5 Sight Ripper Claw Uses untelegraphed frontal and back attacks. Watch its arm and tail movements.
Falak 5/5 Sight Electric Cachexia Roomwide untelegraphed doughnut AoEs when at a distance. Otherwise, auto-attacks.

Boss: Aeturna (Floor 70)

  • Ferocity: Move away from the tethered target until it turns purple.
  • Preternatural Turn:
    • Blue glow = Move in (doughnut AoE).
    • No glow = Move out (point-blank AoE).
  • Crystal Mechanic:
    • One crystal will be slightly farther than others—this marks the safespot.
    • After crystals appear, Preternatural Turn repeats.
    • If glowing, move in and away from crystals.
    • If not glowing, crystals emit conal AoEs, leaving safespots on their sides.

Floors 71-80

  • Gold-tinged sacks begin dropping on these floors.
  • Floors 71-73 have a high chance of Landmines—use Witching/Lethargy for control.
  • Sasquatches have a one-shot room-wide AoE; use LoS to avoid.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Toco Toco 2/5 Sight Slowcall Late telegraphed frontal cone attack.
Kunoichi 2/5 Proximity Assassinate Kills players below 20% HP—be cautious near Landmines/Silver chests.
Primelephas (Elephant) 2/5 Sight Charge Quick small PBAoE. If interrupted, it re-casts instantly.
Coeurl (Patrol) 3/5 Sight Wide Blaster Huge, wide frontal conal AoE.
Unicorn 2/5 Sight Knockback Attack Hits 3 times—position against a wall to avoid being pushed into danger.
Thunderbeast (Patrol) 4/5 Sight Spark Untelegraphed roomwide doughnut AoE when far away.
Kargas (Griffin) 5/5 Sight Winds of Winter Roomwide untelegraphed AoE—must LoS or Stun.
Sasquatch 5/5 Sight Chest Thump Huge room-wide AoE one-shot when out of combat. Always maintain LoS.

Boss: Proto-Kaliya (Floor 80)

  • Centralized Nerve Gas: Cone AoE in front—move out.
  • Rightward/Leftward Nerve Gas: Half-circle AoEs—stay in front of the boss to avoid.
  • Barofield: Dead zone under boss; stepping outside causes instant death.
  • Nanospore Jet: Assigns positive/negative charge; move accordingly to avoid lethal repulsion.

Floors 81-90

  • Beware of Catoblepas gaze attacks in early floors.
  • Several enemies have large AoEs; proper positioning is crucial.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
Corse 2/5 Proximity Glass Punch Late frontal conal AoE, short range.
Gourmand (Patrol) 3/5 Proximity Suck-in Attack Pulls players in, then uses a fast lethal conal AoE. Run behind it quickly.
Catoblepas 3/5 Sight Roomwide Gaze Stuns for 20s but deals no damage. Avoid looking at it.
Hecteyes 4/5 Sound Catharsis Large point-blank AoE. Cannot be interrupted.
Specter 5/5 Proximity Multiple AoEs Roomwide doughnut, large side AoEs—highly lethal.

Boss: Administrator (Floor 90)

  • Support Systems + Interception Sequence: Spawns objects that attack in sequential order (line, conal, doughnut AoEs).
  • Laserstream: Raidwide 40K damage—Steel recommended for DPS/Healers.
  • Parallel Execution: Rows of cubes fire line AoEs, plus random small AoEs.
  • Support Systems + Salvo Script: Multiple simultaneous attacks—look for the safest corner.

Floors 91-100

  • Several patrols with large AoEs—high awareness required.
  • System Y and Servomechanical Chimeras have multiple dangerous AoEs.

Dangerous Mobs

Enemy Name Danger Level Aggro Type Key Mechanics Important Notes
System Y 5/5 Proximity High Voltage Massive roomwide AoE—interrupt or take lethal damage.
Orthodrone 2/5 Proximity Self-Destruct Explodes on death. Avoid standing near.
Servomechanical Orthochimera 5/5 Sight Multiple AoEs Alternates between huge conal and doughnut attacks.
Mithridates 4/5 Sight 270° Frontal AoE Highly damaging attack, avoid by moving behind.
Zaghnal 5/5 Sight Roomwide AoE (Out of Combat) Lethal one-shot if not engaged. Always clear these immediately.

Boss: Excalibur (Floor 99)

  • Paradoxum: Applies elemental debuff; taking a hit of the same element is lethal.
  • Caliburni: Shoots a cone of swords, which return across the arena—careful positioning needed.
  • Thermal Divide: Fire/Ice zones appear—stand on the opposite element to survive.
  • Call Dimension Blade: Uses one of three AoEs (doughnut, point-blank, cross)—move accordingly.
  • Exflammeus/Exglacialis: Final phase introduces sunspots or ice paths—memorize safespots.

Congratulations! After clearing floor 99, you’ll need about 90 seconds to reach the final exit—don’t waste time after the final boss!

Eureka Orthos is a challenging but rewarding Deep Dungeon that tests patience, skill, and strategy. Have you made it to floor 100? Share your experiences and tips in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other FFXIV guides for more strategies and walkthroughs. that tests patience, skill, and strategy. Whether solo or in a party, mastering each floor set will help you reach floor 100 successfully. Good luck!
